Monday, August 10, 2009

First look at behind the scenes stills working with the RED Camera - stay tuned for the Ghost of Gloria music video

I directed and DP'd with John D'Angelo and Jason Arnold was the associate DP on a set that was as hot (literally) as it could get. We filmed for 15 hours Sunday at the incredible GSTAR production facility (thanks Greg and his awesome film students) and working with one of the hottest, most talented and most professional bands Ghost of Gloria (thanks Brandon, John, Jeff, Mark and Mark) with the help of Rick Santees we created an awesome short film or video as they call it. It was a top shelf production as the RED Camera delivered a great look and totally lived up to it's reputation, and we are now in post production. STAY TUNED for the finished product. (more thanks to Maralyn, Mari, David, Johnny, Shar), and thanks to my wife Jess for letting me stay out late.
By: Marc Serota                   Frame grab stills off the CANON 5D Mark II.

Monday, August 3, 2009

New FULL PAGE print add in USA Today newspaper featuring an photographers work

Here you go a new FULL PAGE print add in USA Today newspaper featuring a photographers work. We were out at Miami Dolphins training camp to get a shot of the new crop of players and nailed a nice one of rookie wide receiver Brian Hartline making a spectacular catch. Thanks 
to the NFL and Gatorade for seeing it AND using it.